Our transcription team is well-versed with legal formats. Have a unique one? No problem! Our very capable and experienced team will quickly learn and deliver to your requirements.

We specialize in quick turnaround of 5 to 6 hours and produce ready-to-publish transcripts. Our TAT is 6 hours for 60 minutes of audio. Soft Scribe works on different types of business transcripts such as earnings call, business interviews, seminars and company meetings dealing with multiple speakers.


Extensive research is done to ensure accuracy and verbatim transcription is followed.

Soft Scribe has the ability to record audios on our own for live events provided the time and link are given. We deal with a variety of accents like American, Brazilian, French, Israeli, and more. We do transcripts dealing with diverse industry types from mining to pharmaceutical to commercial banks and so on. Special emphasis is laid on financial terms and figures, company product names and terms. We have teams working on specific industry and hence are familiar with the terminologies that appear in such industry.

To ensure high quality standards and client satisfaction, Soft Scribe has a two-pronged QA process in place, thus guaranteeing minimum chances of errors and maximum level of accuracy.

To ensure accuracy, Soft Scribe follows a two-stage editing process. Quality is emphasized from the transcriber level itself. This assures minimum chances of error and maximum level of accuracy.

Accuracy content

Soft Scribe maintains a high accuracy percentage of 97% per transcript. So rest assured, you can be sure of a high quality transcript delivered to you promptly with all your formatting needs and specific demands in place

We also do video transcription with special emphasis on speaker identification – our team goes the extra mile to ensure all speakers are identified in the transcript.
