Improvise is the new mantra. How quickly can you transform your business, shift your operations online and communicate with your customers?
This can be an overwhelming phase as you try to morph your business to cope with the consequences of COVID-19. It is likely that you have already started re-evaluating how to survive this crisis. Health Care professionals are warning us that this virus is going to be in our midst for a long time. There are digital marketing strategies you can implement to help your business.

Connect with your target audience on Social Media
This is not the time to sit back and relax. Reach out to your customers. Connect with them. Let them know the changes you are making to ensure that services continue. Social distancing does not have to mean isolation. Quite the contrary – use all digital tools to remind customers that you are here for them. Don’t forget to thank them for their support during this crisis.
Get to the front of the line
Make sure your website is optimized. With the whole world conducting online searches for every kind of service, your business needs to be at the top of Google’s search engine result pages (SERP). Climbing to the top of SERPs takes time and strategic optimization tools and strategies. This is a process, much like a sourdough starter, it has to be carefully fed and nurtured regularly so it doesn’t go stale.

Does your audience know you are open for business?
Use pay-per-click advertising to get in front of your customers. It is a relatively cheaper way of advertising. On average, cost-per-clicks (CPC) has decreased by 6 percent across all verticals since last week. CPC is likely to continue to decrease in the coming weeks, thereby reducing the amount of money an advertiser pays a publisher for every ad click. Some industries such as Restaurants and Health Care are the major beneficiaries of ad conversion.
The below chart will help you in understanding the conversion rate industry wise, we can easily figure out that the Restaurants and Health Care industry are the top players when it comes to Ad conversions.
Preparing for post COVID-19
It may not seem to be coming fast enough, but look at China which is slowly reopening its shuttered doors. Consumer habits will slowly normalize but there will be a new normal. This new normal is still developing and your efforts and budget spent on SEO today or any other digital marketing strategy are likely to reap multi fold benefits. Now is not the time to trim your digital marketing strategy or its budget. To the contrary, now is the time to increase your efforts and your investment.
We have been working with companies by their side to help cope with today’s environment and we can do the same for you.